(PCA-TP4001S)2 in 1 Parch and Stitch 1
  • (PCA-TP4001S)2 in 1 Parch and Stitch 1
  • (PCA-TP4001S)2 in 1 Parch and Stitch 1

(PCA-TP4001S)2 in 1 Parch and Stitch 1

Référence : PCA-TP4001S
16,20 €
En stock 5 produits

This template for BOTH card embroidery projects and parchment craft includes 2 different designs to stitch out and 2 to complete as parchment craft to decorate either card side, borders/corners or make beautiful bookmarks or even full size frames by realigning template and piercing as many holes as required to fit your desired size/style. BOTH card embroidery patterns AND parchment craft patterns have been created using BOLD GAUGE perforations.... easier to see and less daunting for those with less experience too! Though card embroidery tends to use very fine holes, I really think the holes make a bit of feature in themselves! Parchment craft designs include embossed elements that add dimension to your project and can be created with a PCA® SmallBall embosser on reverse of work. The patterns use the same basic base to create 4 different looks! The holes for each card embroidery design are perforated using a PCA® UniBold tool and then stitched out according to the instructions with fine metallic or silky embroidery threads. Embellish as desired with extra elements such as stick on crystals/pearls etc
5 Produits

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